Why Does the Thermostat Say the Heat’s On But the Furnace Isn’t Running?

When the thermostat indicates “heat on,” but there is no heat coming from the vents, it can be confusing and even upsetting. If your Furnace Isn’t Running and you have to wait for a specialist to come to your house, it can ruin your day or even days. Nor are service calls inexpensive. However, you might be able to fix your furnace without the help of a professional. Try troubleshooting your furnace problems on your own before giving in to the cold or paying for an examination.

There are numerous frequent reasons why furnaces cease heating that homeowners may take care of quickly and effectively. It’s as simple as flicking a switch at times. Consider trying a few troubleshooting steps before calling for professional assistance.

The Thermostat Isn’t Wired Correctly

If the new thermostat causes heating problems right away, there’s a chance that incorrect wiring was done. For instance, the heating and cooling systems will operate in the same manner if the W and Y wires are flipped. Examine the wiring configuration to make sure all of the wires are in the correct terminals (at the furnace and the thermostat). If you are unable to fix the problem, contact a heating specialist or an electrician.

Furnace Isn’t Running? How to fix this issue
Furnace Repair Service Provider Cool Breeze Services

The Heater is Cut Off From the Power Source

Furnaces, including gas furnaces, require electricity to function. A tripped breaker or a power switch in the off position interrupts the energy supply to your furnace.

Examine the power switch on the furnace first. The switch has the appearance of a standard light switch. Though the precise location changes, it will be near to the furnace. Examine the floor and ceiling joists, adjacent walls or studs, and the sides of the furnace. The up position is usually “on.” If the furnace’s switch is off, turn it to “on,” then wait for it to light up.

If the furnace fails to ignite after being turned on, ensure that the circuit breaker switch is in the “on” position. Usually found in utility rooms, laundry rooms, and basements are circuit breaker panels. Look for a switch with the labels “furnace,” “FAU” (shorthand for a forced-air unit), or “air handler” on the circuit breaker panel.

Verify that the power is reaching your other appliances if the switch is in the “on” position. The electricity may go out if they don’t.

Turn the Switch to the “On” Position if It is Currently in the “Off” Position

If the breaker trips, the switch will be in the center position. It will not remain in the “on” position if you turn it that way. To reset it, turn the switch “off” and then “on.” If the breaker trips now or in the near future, get in touch with a pro to identify the issue.

Corroded or Broken Wires

If one of a thermostat wires breaks, the device will stop working. A wire may break due to corrosion, frayed conductors, or worn insulation. Although wear and tear is inevitable, exposure of a conductor might result in hazardous circumstances. Although solid copper wires are strong, they can break if a stapler nicks them or if settling wall studs cause them to bend excessively. A specialist should replace damaged cables right away.

The Thermostat Is Set Too High/Too Low

Even though it may be running normally, you may have set the thermostat on your furnace lower than its maximum temperature. This can happen when it’s very chilly. In unusual weather, the unit may become strained. Adjust the thermostat to a more manageable setting or check if the furnace needs fixing.

The Thermostat Needs to Be Calibrated

Try recalibrating the thermostat if it is inaccurate. To accomplish this, position a thermometer a few inches away from the device-away from any openings or other objects that might tamper with the temperature reading. After a little while, compare the readings. Separate them by no more than one degree. Try levelling your older thermostat and then retesting its accuracy if it has a mercury dial.

Its Sensor Isn’t Working Right

An inoperative sensor will remain unaware of the demand for heat. It won’t instruct the thermostat to switch on as a result. It is unable to detect temperature or compare it to the ideal value. Or, maybe the sensor is registering an incorrect value.

Your Home May Not Have Enough Insulation

Although the heat is on, you can’t feel it since so much is seeping through wall crevices and the areas surrounding doors and windows. Inadequate insulating materials may also cause issues. You can add insulation and seal leak sites using foam, caulk, or other materials. Install energy-efficient windows instead of outdated single-pane windows to retain heat.

We Need New Batteries for the Thermostat

The thermostat may indicate that the heat is on even though the furnace isn’t operating if the batteries are dead. Seek for a low battery warning light; certain devices will beep to indicate a low battery. Changing the battery ought to resolve the issue. Seasonally replace the battery to prevent problems.

The Thermostat Needs to Be Cleaned

A thermostat can malfunction due to dirt. People often use and handle it in hot or cold weather, so cleaning is crucial. It keeps the device sterile and cleans out internal debris.

Remove the thermostat cover (either by unscrewing or snapping it off, depending on the model) in order to clean it. Dust the interior with a little, delicate, dry brush.

Slide a piece of paper between the electronic components to loosen and safely remove any debris. After that, replace the lid after dusting it clean.

Other Reasons the Thermostat Says the Heat Is On But the Furnace Isn’t Running

It’s possible that the thermostat is not the source of the problem. If so, further reasons that could be causing it include:

  • Power disruptions
  • Circuit breaker tripped
  • The power switch for the furnace is off.
  • Absence of gas supply
  • Dirty/frosted heat pump coils
  • Dirty pilot ignitor
  • Dirty furnace filter

Contact Cool Breeze Services

Our skilled experts can assist if the thermostat indicates that the heat is on but the furnace isn’t running. Since 2001, we have been offering top-notch heater repair services in Virginia. A heating problem may affect both your security and comfort. Hays can identify and fix any issue that arises from your thermostat, heat pump, or furnace. We’ll assign a technician as soon as possible if you contact (877) 368-4822 or schedule service online.

Contact Us: (877) 368-4822

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